In this paper, the impact of intelligibility of context-aware applications is discussed. The intelligibility improves users' impresssions and their trust in the applications if the certainty of an application is higher enough and the action taken by the application is appropriate. Otherwise, when the uncertainty is higher, the intelligibility negatively affects users' impressions. This proposal is supported with an empirical evaluation in which the impressions of two mobile context-aware applications (LocateMe and HearMe) are investigated through applying different intelligibility and certainty levels.
The article above was about uncertainty and intelligibility of intelligent systems. From now on, I will post the documents that examines how social networks can be used to encourage energy efficiency, and I will start from Opower's online library. (
- Energy efficiency through behavioural science and technology (Laskey & Kavazovic, 2011)
This paper is important to understand the success of Opower in the encouragement of home energy efficiency. Behavioral science, analytics and technology are utilised by Opower to provide effective customer engagement. In aspect of behavioral science, descriptive social-normative messages, which compare individualised energy use with the average use of neighbours, are used to influence individuals through the power of generated social norms. In order to prevent boomerang effect, complementary injuntive messages that approve good behaviours are also included in home energy reports. Moreover, the use of loss language is preferred as it is more powerful than gain language. Advanced metering technologies make the huge amount of comprehensive data available. Hence, the use of analytics is key factor to deal with the huge chunk of data. Opower exploits analytics to provide neighbour comparison, data disaggregation and personalised energy saving tips. From the technology perspective, scalibility and extensibility of the software play crucial role to meet new demands and to sustain users' trust. Moreover, Opower is conscious of the power of well-designed visual feedbacks having properties of visibility and affordance.
- Behaviour Change and Energy Use
The paper provides complementary insights to existing energy policies. It highlights how behavioural changes are important factors to reduce energy consumption and bills, and it states the three major benefits of behaviourally based changes. The first benefit is that the outcome is reached quickly unlike infrastructure changes which might take years. Secondly, behavioural changes are more cost-effective. Thirdly, citizens can directly benefit from the changes through savings. Hence, better understanding of how people behave in their everyday lives is essential. The paper represents three useful insights related to human behaviour.
1- Many people are keen to benefit immediately. Therefore, getting small rewards in a short term is more attractive than obtaining bigger rewards in a long period of time.
2- Social norms heavily effect individuals' behaviour. People learn how to behave through observing other people around them.
3- Individuals are tend to use default settings, so changing these defaults in a way to reduce consumption provides considerable energy saving.